Hots Seats-Lake Titicaca, Bolivia

I've been looking at my body of color photographs which has a chair or a seat as the common theme. My first inclination was to set up a slide show in this post showing about a dozen or so of the images from the collection. Then, I thought I'd just show this one. Hot Seats epitomizes what really works for me with the chair/seat work: I love the seats themselves (I wish I had a set of four of these little numbers for my deck on sunny, summer afternoons). I really like the pattern of the re-bar grill over the windows. And, of course the poster of the two children which was pasted on the wall across the street, and becomes scaled just right in the photograph, is what makes this image exceptional for me.

I was going to get into where this was in Bolivia, how I got there...blah,blah,blah...I'll spare know the old cliche...a picture is worth...

hot seats