
After taping my fifth 30 minute TV show on local public TV, I thought I would drop in the opening - the first image of my Polaroid book: A Couple of Stops Down at the Speed of Light. This past show and the one next week focus on my Polaroid work dating back to the mid 1970's, up until when Polaroid went belly up, and stopped manufacturing film. By the way, the name of my show is Moment2Moment...35 Years Behind the Ground Glass.

This post also includes the opening title to my show which I designed. Since starting to get involved in TV production and video several months ago, I've immersed myself in video animation, editing and special effects. Needless to say, this a daunting universe and the learning curve is big and steep. But I am surrounded by extremely talented and generous staff, who painstakingly answer all my newbie questions, and they tirelessly make available the TV studio's equipment as well as their own expertise.