Just A Whole Lot Going On

I feel as though I have woefully neglected my photography blog over the past month. Well, actually I have neglected it. My attention and efforts have been focused on my foodblog: www.2gourmaniacs.com, and on two television shows that I am doing on local public TV. The first show, Moment2Moment: 35 Years Behind the Ground Glass, is a series of 8 shows, each 30 minutes long where I talk about various photographic portfolios and collections that I have produced over my career as a photographer. I  will also have guests photographers and gallery owners who will talk about their work as well. I've taped two shows already, and I  think I can say without fear of contradiction that to sit in front of TV cameras for 30 minutes without commercial breaks, and articulate intelligently even about a topic on which you are an expert is a daunting enterprise.

Another big time commitment is selecting my photographic images (50-60 per show and they have to be already digitally scanned, of course), formatting them, digitally sizing them and sequentially putting them in a specific software program in my Mac laptop so it can be later hardwired to an Avid system at the TV studio: that process (or workflow as it's now called) has given me the howling fantods (to quote D.F. Wallace) more than once.

And...and...Rosaria and I start taping our cooking show, 2Gourmaniacs, Crazy 4 Food, the last week of this month. Yipes. And, oh did I mention that I'm querying literary agents for a cookbook entitled The Hamptons' Home Cookbook. Right now, there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day.

So, I'll give you three images: 2 color images exposed on film, and a food capture from two days ago. The dog was photographed in Belize twenty years ago, and "Drinks" was photographed ten years ago on Mayreau Island, in the Grenadines. The food image was captured here in Southampton a couple days ago for a blog post about asparagus and stone crab claws....needless to say, they were delicious after the shoot.