Photographing Streets...Literally

Since 1980-1981, my point-and-shoot format has been 120/220 or better known as medium format. I've always been attracted to the square format as opposed to rectilinear, and 120/220 film size is substantially larger than 35mm so that prints from 120/220 offer better definition, and they have a quality unlike 35mm. The last 35mm film I exposed was 1992: before that, however, I made a lot of 35mm black & white negatives. With the exception of Polaroid SX-70, 35mm color slides where the only color photographic medium available to me. And what do you do with slides? Having said that, I've been burrowing into my 35mm black & white negative archive. I'm not sure what still works and what doesn't. These two were indicative of what I was doing in the late 1970's. I was purposely blurring images, shooting with Diana Cameras, and learning how to print negatives that often were grossly over-exposed. Both of these were exposed in Paris in the winter of 1977. I remember I was looking down a lot, and taking pictures of what was under foot.