Snow Trees

After the blizzard two weeks ago, everyone was a little edgy about the last night's weather prediction for 2-7 inches of snow. Before I went to bed, I stuck my head out my kitchen door and I quickly realized that this was going to be a mere dusting. When I awoke this morning, everything outside had a dusty white coating. I had a cup of tea as I looked out my kitchen slider. I watched the cat that we're cat-sitting checking out the new snow. So I picked up my little four thirds camera and screwed the tiny cine 25mm f1.5 onto it, and I went for a walk around my property. The bush and undergrowth is normally so thick that it is impossible to walk in many places. This is the only time of the year that I can easily access many of the nooks and crannies of my immediate environment. I made a bunch of captures this morning. I like this one because it's a good visual ambassador for what my immediate surroundings look like.

Okay, I took another look at the captures I made this morning, and I have to add this one. It's kind of like nature's way to saying, "don't give up hope in January, spring's just around the corner."