New Kitchen Art

It's been a while since I framed a new piece for my own home. I had a bunch of flowering chives sitting on my island counter in my kitchen for two weeks. Everyday I kept saying I've got to take a picture of them. Finally the other day, I put them on a piece of seamless and photographed them. Yesterday, I made a small print of the capture, and I immediately made a larger 16x20 print. I went into the kitchen and took one of the cherry frames which had a horizontal B&W landscape in it, brought it to my framing table and swapped my still life print for it. It works really well in my kitchen. (Actually, I like the print quality so much better than what you're looking at on your monitor: the background color is a deeper, richer color which makes the greens of the chives jump off the paper.)

Now if someone had told me twenty-five years ago that I'd be photographing plant still lives, framing them and hanging them on my wall, I'd would told them that they were nuts. Just goes to show you, you can teach an old dog new tricks.