Here's Looking at You, Barnie Newman

Last Monday, I took my son, Alex, to the Museum of Modern Art for his first visit to what he calls a "big time museum". MOMA is showing their huge collection of NY Abstract Expressionism. It is an impressive show; heavy on Jackson Pollock, Hans Hofman, Adolph Gottlieb, and Barnett Newman. My son is taking AP art at George School, and although he wasn't very familiar with abstract expressionism, he understood the concept of the "movement" and he had some interesting things to say about various pieces that we saw. In particular, he was amazed that Barnett Newman always used the same format of equally dividing space in his large canvasses.

The image I made was captured on MOMA's second floor in their bookstore, overlooking the huge atrium and the lobby downstairs. I had Alex stand with his back to me and made a capture, and then I made a capture of just the space without him. Obviously, I combined the images with Photoshop and then ran the darker blue stripe right down the middle separating the two images. This one's for you, Alex.