One Favorite Rowboat Photograph

A short while ago, I was down-east Maine, up on Deer Isle in Penobscot Bay. I was tucked away in a cozy little cottage right on the rocky Maine coast. It was in early August, the sky was bright, and the weather warm. And of course, the air was briny from the breaking Atlantic ocean on the rocks near by. There was a small floating dock with this rowboat hauled up on it. I looked at it for awhile, then sat down on the bank above it, and looked at it some more. I watched the seagulls wheeling overhead, and I imagined being at sea just off the maine coast. Then I look out my Hasselblad, looked at the rowboat again, and I made one exposure. In The Day Books, Weston talks about feeling for the exposure. I've always believed in that: more than just the exposure, though. I like to imagine the image before I make the exposure or the capture.