Cover Image for my Polaroid Book

I thought I'd show you the cover image for my book A Couple of Stops Down at the Speed of Light. It's a book containing 160 Polaroid images taken over a twenty year period and carefully sequenced based upon image as opposed to chronology.

Also, to view the portfolios included in my blog, simply click on a tab above and follow the navigation button in the lower right hand corner.

Phinally Phat

You know what they say....if you want something done right (in this case, just simply done) do it yourself. I' ve been waiting and working with website developers for a long time trying to get  just the right website designed: you know the kind, lots of flash elements, images flying around, type crusing in and around. Maybe somerday. But, I can't wait any longer, so I ponied up with a Thesis blog download, and designed my photoblog in a couple of days.

The image below was taken right after New Year's Eve, on an overnight trip on Ha Long Bay, in northern Vietnam.